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Enraptured by the various new launch projects that are available in the market? The distinctive style of a particular new launch could resonate with homeowners, presenting the possibilities of the lifestyle of their dreams, which would redefine what it means to indulge in the comfort of your home.


However, beyond the promise of an ambience that offers respite from the hustle and bustle of one’s daily life, new launches, being an investment asset, could bring about significant capital appreciation a number of years down the road. Hence, aside from the aesthetic elements of the property, the potential capital appreciation which the respective new launch is likely to offer, is a key factor.


Evaluating the possible profitability of the new launches may sound complicated for the uninitiated, but we can guide you through our in-depth study of the respective properties. This would allow you to make a property purchase that would fulfill your needs from the point of view of a resident and an investor.


By capitalising on the most opportune time to enter and exit the property market, you would be able to reap larger profits. 


Just as how every individual homebuyer has their specific needs, different properties have their respective features and unique selling points. However, the disparate new launch projects should not be considered in isolation. The conditions of the housing market, as well as the policies that underpin the residential market, would have implications on your property transactions. Having a comprehensive understanding of the property market is therefore vital to your property investment journey.


We will facilitate you through your decision-making process, by conducting a detailed analysis of the property market, and that of the individual new launch projects. As such, you would also be aware of what your property transactions would entail.


While the residential property market is constant in its dynamism, studying the property trends over the years— and even across the different quarters of the same year— could offer you insights into the direction the market is headed for. You could then take into account, the potential trends in property prices, and the possible implementation of cooling measures that may ensue, to effectively capitalise on the property market.


The importance of timing should certainly not be undermined, when it comes to the purchase or sale of properties. When should you enter the market, and when should you let go of your existing properties?


Planning your exit from the market is as important as deciding when you should purchase your next property. By capitalising on the most opportune time to enter and exit the property market, you would also be able to reap larger profits.


As properties are investment assets, purchasing a unit for a new launch involves more than just paying for the overall costs of your home. There are potential upsides and risks that would come with the purchase of the property. 


Hence, you would have to look into the possible capital appreciation which the new launch project might bring you, as well as the likelihood that the property might be very well sold at a loss. As with any other investments, there is no guarantee that you would certainly be able to make a profit from your property.


Everyone would define “the best new launch” differently. What might seem to be the most impressive new launch project to a homebuyer, might not hold that same appeal to another. There may be no singular and definitive answer as to which project would be “the best”, but aesthetic and stylistic preferences aside, there are factors against which you could determine which new launches would likely make for a good investment.


Having analysed the different projects, we will highlight the ones that we think would interest you. You would then be able to make the final decision, based on your needs and preferences.

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